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Ecology and Buddhism Conference (October 26-27, 2023).

Nothing is more urgent or decisive than the climate crisis facing the planet. Great contemporary Buddhist leaders have emphasized that Buddhism has much to contribute to the dialogue on climate change. Voices such as H.H. the Dalai Lama, Thích Nhất Hạnh, or Bhikkhu Bodhi, to give examples from three Buddhist traditions, have analyzed the causes of the crisis and made calls for action. In this Buddhism and Ecology Conference we offer a Buddhist perspective to the various ecological problems that beset us. We will discuss how the dharma teachings can contribute to solving or mitigating the climate emergency. We will provide a view of ecology from the various Buddhist traditions. We will present visions from ecofeminism, Amerindian perspectives, or interfaith dialogue. And we will hear the voices of Buddhist women who contribute their wisdom so that we learn to live in a more responsible way towards the Earth and all the species with which we share the planet. Organized by the Ibero-American Network for the Study of Buddhism (RIEB) in collaboration with the Dharma-Gaia Foundation.